We apologize, but this sermon was not able to be recorded.
We apologize, but this sermon was not able to be recorded.
Thankful for how God teaches me weekly through the study of His Word and prayer and through the faithful passing on of truth from others who have studied these passages in the power of the Spirit as well. Was particularly helped by Tim Keller, Justo Gonzalez, John Piper, Sinclair Ferguson, Eric Alexander, Diane Chen and…
Very thankful for the insights of Diane Chen, Tim Keller, Justo Gonzales, Sinclair Ferguson, and Darrell Bock in particular – whose thoughts have helped me and I hope you. All glory to God.
Merry Christmas! All Glory to God for all the ways He uses others to bless His people.
Thankful for the Christmas season and the opportunity to think more about advent, incarnation, and God’s purposes. Thankful for the Holy Spirit working through Advent writers like Moltmann and Tripp and others who have been a help to me. Thankful for the Lord’s work in Tim Keller, Sinclair Ferguson, Fritz Reinecker and others whose labors…
John 3:16-36 (Updated and correct audio recording) Message by Tim Keller on this passage was inspiring and a used resource to help our body through this passage. To God be the Glory!
1 Peter 5:5-6
Luke 2:10-14 / Romans 4:1-8