Thankful for the Holy Spirit’s work in Tim Keller, Charles Leiter and Fritz Reineker in particular – as their works have been a big part of the preparation and content of this message. All glory to God.
Thankful for the Lord’s work in Tim Keller, Myles Roberts, Thabiti Anyabwile, John Piper, John Stott and others who the Spirit of God has used to help me grasp some of what the Bible says on this topic.
Very blessed by the ministries of Rex Blankenship, Sinclair Ferguson, John Piper, Tim Keller and others in regard to this passage and topic. The Holy Spirit’s work in their lives was rich help from the Lord in the preparation and content of this message. All glory to God.
1 John 3:1-18 Thankful for Thabiti Anyabwile, Tim Keller, Charles Leiter, Evangeline Booth, Mika Edmondson and the Lord’s work in their lives that God has used to help me prepare and preach this message.
Second message in Vision Statement Series – Ephesians 3, John 3:16 and other Scriptures Thankful for the Spirit’s work in my life through other faithful pastors – in particular – Tim Keller, John Piper, Charles Leiter, & Thomas Goodwin