Thankful for the Holy Spirit using Tim Keller, Edmund Clowney, and others to teach me and get God’s Word into my heart in ways that I might faithfully share it with others. All glory to God.
So thankful for all God is teaching by His Spirit and through His Word. Thankful for His work in others like Tom Wright, Tim Keller, Diane Chen, and Justo Gonzalez, Thabit Anyabwile.
John 5:25-47 So blessed by the concept of Jesus, the One who will raise all the dead by His voice to stand before Him as the ultimate judge and yet He condescends to allow those who wanted to kill Him to judge Him. And He condescends to present them witnesses to His Messiahship. Was blessed…
John 5:16-30 Thankful for God’s grace to use, in particular, D.A. Carson’s book “The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God”; Tim Keller’s two sermons on this passage, and D.A Carson commentary on John and others…