Thankful for Justin Giboney, Carrie Sandom, Tim Keller, and others who God used to help me understand this passage more richly. All glory to God!
Thankful for Justin Giboney, Carrie Sandom, Tim Keller, and others who God used to help me understand this passage more richly. All glory to God!
Thankful for the Holy Spirit using Tim Keller, Edmund Clowney, and others to teach me and get God’s Word into my heart in ways that I might faithfully share it with others. All glory to God.
Very thankful for all the ways God works to get His Word to His people – especially through the foolishness of preaching. My preaching is always the result of the input of God through the Holy Spirit as I read and study the Word and hear and impacted by what others have learned. In order…
Lots of help from Karen Jobes, Edmund Clowney, and Tim Keller. To God be ALL the Glory!
To God be the glory for all that He does – and especially for the help of His Spirit working through His Word, often in prayer, and often through His work in others – the fruit of which God uses in my life to stir me to strive to live out authentically all that is…
The Lord is faithful to teach us week by week by His Spirit through His Word and often through teachers. This week’s message includes insights God provided through Diane Chen, N.T. Wright, Justo Gonzalez, Tim Keller and others. To God be the glory!
Very thankful for God’s gracious revelation through His Word and by His Spirit week after week. I was especially helped in this message through the Lord’s work in Pastors Mika Edmondson and Tim Keller’s sermons and writings on this passage – as well as others. All glory to God.
I continue to be helped week after week by Pastor Mika Edmondson, Ed Donnelly and the many commentaries on Genesis I am reading – as well as the Spirit’s help through conversations with others, and through my own pains and struggles – by which the Lord is making these passages rich for my own heart…