Thankful for the Holy Spirit using Tim Keller, Edmund Clowney, and others to teach me and get God’s Word into my heart in ways that I might faithfully share it with others. All glory to God.
Thankful for the Holy Spirit using Tim Keller, Edmund Clowney, and others to teach me and get God’s Word into my heart in ways that I might faithfully share it with others. All glory to God.
So thankful for all God has taught me through this passage by His Spirit. Thankful for how God’s Spirit teaches others who teach me. Especially thankful for Tim Keller, Dr. Tony Evans, Mika Edmondson, Derek Kidner and others. All glory to God.
Thankful for all of God’s mercies and wisdom through His Word by His Spirit and how God uses others to show us more of Himself. Thankful for Dr. Bruce Waltke, Mika Edmondson, Robert Altar, Ed Donnelly, Sinclair Ferguson whose insights were also used by the Lord to impact this sermon. To God be all the…
Very thankful for God’s gracious revelation through His Word and by His Spirit week after week. I was especially helped in this message through the Lord’s work in Pastors Mika Edmondson and Tim Keller’s sermons and writings on this passage – as well as others. All glory to God.
Very thankful for God’s continued help by His Spirit to take His Word and life’s providences and what He has taught others to make His Word alive and powerful to my own heart and hopefully to shape the messages that help others. I was especially helped in this message through Ed Donnelly, Mika Edmondson, Gerald…
Thankful for God’s faithful help to study His Word and to learn truths that shape me so that I might pass them on to others. Particularly helped by Sinclair Ferguson, Mika Edmondson, Jen Wilkins, Bruce Waltke, Alter, and others… All glory to God.
So thankful for all I’ve learned from the Spirit of God’s work through Sinclair Ferguson, Mica Edmondson, Tim Keller and Bruce Waltke in particular which are a huge part of what I have been able to take into my heart and life and I hope and pray have been and will be a help to…
I’m so thankful for all that God is teaching me through the trials of this past 18 months and how He has used men and women like Jen Wilkins and Mika Edmondson, Sinclair Ferguson, Derek Kidner, Bruce Waltke and others to teach me truths from His Word that I am able to pass on to…
Thankful for God’s help in such a challenging and needed passage. I benefited greatly from the teaching of Jen Wilkens, Mika Edmondson, and Robert Alter in particular on this passage. All glory to God.