Thankful for the Holy Spirit using Tim Keller, Edmund Clowney, and others to teach me and get God’s Word into my heart in ways that I might faithfully share it with others. All glory to God.
Thankful for the Holy Spirit using Tim Keller, Edmund Clowney, and others to teach me and get God’s Word into my heart in ways that I might faithfully share it with others. All glory to God.
Thankful for feasting present and future. Thankful for A.W. Tozer, Manley Beasley, Tim Keller, Justo Gonzalez, Diane Chen and others who the Lord’s Spirit has helped to help me and help us. All glory to God!
What a joy to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus! The message includes help God provided through the Flowering of the Cross Tradition at Springs of Grace, through N.T. Wright, Tim Keller, Diane Chen and others. All glory to our risen Lord and reigning King!
Thankful for Diane Chen, Justo Gonzales, Sinclair Ferguson, & Tim Keller, the SOGAV Team and especially thankful for the way the Lord helps me understand and apply the Scripture to my own heart week after week in prayer and study. I trust and pray it will bear fruit in the lives of others too.
What an important truth to hold on to! Thankful for the Lord’s Spirit and His Word and the gift of prayer and His gifts in others to teach me to help prepare this message. Especially helped by Tim Keller, Ed Donnelly, John Piper, Rodney Stark, Fleming Rutledge and others. All glory to God.
Very thankful for God’s gracious revelation through His Word and by His Spirit week after week. I was especially helped in this message through the Lord’s work in Pastors Mika Edmondson and Tim Keller’s sermons and writings on this passage – as well as others. All glory to God.
Thankful for the Spirit of God’s work through others – especially Dr. Bruce Waltke, Derek Kidner, Sinclair Ferguson, Mika Edmondson, and Edward Donnelly. All praise to God.
Matthew 22:15-33
Matthew 19:13-30